Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hospital videos

This is right after surgery....the light was low so focus isn't so great.

This one is Saturday morning...

Cowboy's Down, but not out!

In the classroom at school there is a loft that's about 5 feet off the ground, with six inches of padding under it. There is a hole in the floor of the loft that you climb up through and then usually you leave the loft via a climbing rope that hangs off the front. From the accounts of all of the children, Cowboy fell through the hole in the floor, landed on Donovan Vigil (he uses everyone's last names now) and then on the mat. When he landed his humerus (upper arm bone) dislocated and then broke right above his elbow. After it broke the upper part of the bone righted itself; and when it did it twisted the muscle and pinched it between the two broken pieces - which is why it hurt so much whenever he'd have the slightest motion. This is also why the 1 hour surgery took 2 hours! Every thing went great, he has 3 pins (we'll get pics of those in 2 weeks) that stick out through his skin, it's splinted, and wrappen in about a thousand layers of gauze and ace wraps to protect it and also has it in a splint. Before surgery, Ginny let him hold Monkey to make him feel better. After surgery he was finally able to eat and drink. The green and yellow box is a truck that Miss Becky brought him - it went to surgery with him! Saturday morning, out of bed and in the "transformer" chair. With Ronald O'McDonald before discharge.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Dancing Queen

We just checked out the Virgilio's singing "happy birthday" to Mason on Zach's blog - and this is how Boogie responded!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Sorry, but you're going to have to turn your monitor or your head sideways for this was taken pretty early in the morning.

Here she is chasing me...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pudding is good

And mac and cheese is good with pudding!

BJ weed-whacks

BJ did a little weed-whackin' in the ditch today...good thing he had long pants on!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mal has found Heaven!

We went over to my friend Kirsten's house today...Kirsten has several horses; needless to say Mal was in heaven and everyone else had a good time too! This is Mal riding Kokopelli. This is Cowboy and Ginny with Dillon, Kokopelli's 5 month old colt. This is Dillon checking out Boogie... and Boogie checking out Dillon! Cowboy on Kokopelli. We had a hard time leaving, and on the way home Mal said several times that she wanted to live with Miss Kirsten, I told her when she got older and could shovel the poo out of the stalls I'm sure we'd be able to work something out. Until then she'll just have to settle for riding when we can fit it in to all of our schedules.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Coordination is not our strong point!!

In this excercise they are supposed to bounce down the long trampoline and then do a summersault on the red mat at the's Cowboy:

And here's Mal:

Olympic Hopefuls

Here the kids are supposed to run to and jump on the spring board, then go to the blue mat to do a sumersault, next walk on red beam, next walk on blue beam, and finally sit backwards on the wedge and do a backwards summersault.

At the end of this first clip, Cowboy's turn gets cut short because Mal and the other little girl are stuck on the wedge!

Here is Cowboy's floor routine

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Boogie

The other night Jer made dinner for the kids, I was at work, and he couldn't pass up the opportunity to get some good rice pics. Also, here are a couple of pictures of the outfit that I knitted for Mal when she was an itty bitty thing - Sue this is what I'm thinking of for Nymphidora/Albus - but long sleve and long pants (you get the idea).