Monday, November 19, 2007

New Xray's

These are Cowboy's X-rays from today, hard to believe that this is the same broken arm. Dr. Farnworth said that he has no restrictions at all. He will continue to go to P.T. for another week or so to work on his flexion (he has about 20 degrees to go) and his extension is 100%.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

All dressed up

Cowboy's class went to The Nutcracker today, so he decided to dress up a bit!

I Love You

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Granbill and BJ on a ride

View from knife edge that Granbill almost flew over
BJ looking up at the "Rabbit Ears" of rabbit ears pass
BJ stuck in the snow; tip: when in deep snow don't drive away from your wingman with the
wench - the farther you go, the more it sucks!
Wicked rocky path

Weekend in the Mountains

Here's Cowboy sporting his riffle and Jack's old robe
Cowboy and Mal discussing the mineral lick for the wildlife
Granlin and Boogie
Cowboy protecting us from the wild life on our hike
Sal, Cowboy and Mal on the trail around Granlin and Granbill's property

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Willy and Mason come for a suprise visit

Will (r.) and Mason (l.) looking good. Mason has really matured. Makes a father proud.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


This is Mal at Gymnastics on Halloween, Luckily she changed her outfit to be a gymnastics girl earlier in the day so that worked out good!

This is gymnastics last night.

More Halloween

Here's Ginny watching Mal at Gymnastics... At the mall with our buddies: Kayla, Adin, Cowboy, Justin, and Jasmine.