Sunday, December 23, 2007

Eye injuries...

Here is a picture of the most recent injury. She was trying to check a stocking out at the Jaccaud's and pulled a little too hard. The Santa that was holding it up had a bit of a pointy nose and gave her quite a gash (another lesson not learned!). We headed up to the ER by Uncle Steve's house - which was very nice by the way - and they gave her 3 stitches. Getting the stitches was quite a debacle, even though it was numb and she said she could feel nothing, we ended up having to roll her burrito style in a sheet to hold her arms down. Still she was able to thrash and buck a bit - so I held her body and lower portion of her head as still as possible, another big helper bones held the top of her head while the Doc stitched.
Jer said that we need to try not to get any more cuts on her face as we would like to marry her off some day!!!
It was also mentioned that I didn't tell the story about how she got her first cut, the one on her eyebrow. She and Cowboy were in the playroom at the Y and were apparently fighting over some Jungle Book characters and Mal fell and nailed her face on either a toy or the floor. The stories are a bit conflicting as they are told by a 3 year old and a 4 year old! Anyway that one is pretty much healed now we are just waiting for the glue to wear off. Stitches on this one have to be in for 5 days, then we can take them out.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Virginia Sue - The Polite Boss

Such a sweet girl.

And then she shhhhes you and tells you "no no," I have been told that this is how she talks to the other kids in the playroom at the Y.

But at least she's polite about it!!

Cowboy's art

This is a picture of the Grinch and his dog Max. The curly thing on Max is his tail and the straight line is his antler. The blue object is his sleigh with all the presents. Obviously, the green guy is the Grinch. Hope you all enjoy!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Decorations

Two Girls in front of the tree
tree by itself
Mantel with stockings and manger scene on top (kinda hard to see that part!)
House lights.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mal's Eye

It's not the best picture, it was taken with my camera...but you get the idea! She did really well, and was terribly happy to get glued back together rather than stitched. There was hardly any brusing, and we can actually take the glue off now - if she'll let us.

Monday, December 10, 2007

More Snow Fun

Snow in Pueblo

It snowed a few inches here Saturday night. The kids all had a big time in the snow on Sunday.

Cowboy Boogie
and Mally