Sunday, January 27, 2008


Some times it's hard to change the channel and you get upset when you can't find the buttons on the clicker...
Also, nice to wear pretty blue dangely earings
Brandy and I aren't sure what happened to Jerry and BJ, all of the sudden they were just out; so you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tough Love

Boogie givin' Billie hugs!!!!

Sleep over

Little Billie in Boogie's big high chair!!!
Cowboy, Malarie, Wolf and Little Jeremy in the tent in the living room.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Today's clothes

Mal, of course, picked out her outfit today. Oma, take notice of the skirt - it's the one you got her that was part of a cute outfit - not that this isn't cute, it's just a different kind of cute!!!!
Here's Cowboy in the vest that he just got in the mail from Granbill. "That's Pike's Peak on the back - just like in our backyard! That's soooo cool" was the response!

Mal Ice Skating

Mal went ice skating with her class last week; here are the photos. She is the one in the pink pants, purple coat and orange bucket.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The sickness

Jeremy had to go out of town for a week so my folks came down to help out, and it's a good thing they did because I got really sick's some pics of how it went...
Then unfortunately Cowboy (and Ginny) got sick too, here's Cowboy too weak to lift his head to eat (Zach, notice the robe).

Up North

Here are a few more pics from while we were at Granlin and Granbill's house... Boogie in snow clothes that are way too big, Mal making a snow angle and Cowboy pulling Boogie on a sled ride.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ski School

This is Cowboy comming down the hill at ski school.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Merry Christmas

We had a great Christmas in Pueblo spent with Jer's mom and sister as well as with my folks. Here's pics of Cowboy with Optimus Prime that Santa brought him, Mal with her horse (Button) that Santa brought her and Ginny with her rocking giraffe from us.